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How to Set up a Creative QA System from Scratch

Rangan Das

How to Set up a Creative QA System from Scratch

January 26, 2024
July 15, 2024
Rangan Das


In the world of creative design, quality assurance (QA) plays a crucial role in ensuring that the final product meets the highest standards. Creative QA is not just about checking for grammatical errors or typos; it's about ensuring that the overall design is visually appealing, effective, and aligned with the brand's messaging

The creative industry encompasses a diverse range of mediums, each demanding its unique QA approach. For instance, evaluating the quality of photographs demands a keen eye for composition, lighting, and subject matter. Marketing collaterals, such as brochures and flyers, require scrutiny for clarity, consistency, and adherence to brand guidelines. Videos, on the other hand, necessitate an assessment of pacing, editing, and overall narrative flow.

Understanding a creative QA system from scratch

Creativity fuels innovation and drives engagement across diverse mediums. Yet, the subjective nature of creative work necessitates a specialized approach when establishing a QA system. Unlike conventional QA processes that mostly focus on functional or technical aspects, a creative QA system delves into the intangible elements of artistic expression, narrative coherence, visual impact, and emotional resonance.

Nuances across different creative mediums

  • Blogs: Blogs require thorough review for grammar, spelling, accuracy of information, and adherence to brand voice and style guidelines.
  • Brand magazines: Brand magazines demand meticulous attention to layout, design consistency, high-quality imagery, and engaging content that aligns with the brand's messaging.
  • Brochures: Brochures require scrutiny for clear and concise messaging, effective use of visuals, and adherence to brand identity and guidelines.
  • Emails: Emails demand careful review for proper formatting, subject line optimization, engaging content, and adherence to brand voice and tone.
  • Displays: Displays require assessment of visual impact, readability from a distance, alignment with brand identity, and effectiveness in conveying the desired message.
  • eBooks: eBooks demand meticulous editing for grammar, spelling, consistency in formatting and style, and engaging content that captivates the reader.
  • Social media posts: Social media posts require careful crafting for concise and impactful messaging, visually appealing content, adherence to brand guidelines, and optimization for the specific social media platform.
  • Videos: Videos necessitate assessment of pacing, editing, overall narrative flow, audio quality, visual appeal, and alignment with the brand's messaging.

Also read: Video Automation 101: Everything You Need to Know

  • Websites: Websites demand rigorous testing for functionality, cross-browser compatibility, responsiveness across devices, accessibility features, and overall user experience.
  • Whitepapers: Whitepapers require thorough review for accuracy of information, credibility of sources, logical flow of arguments, and adherence to academic and industry standards.

The role of subjectivity and vision

Unlike traditional QA where parameters are often well-defined, creative QA introduces an element of subjectivity. Each creative piece is an expression of an artist’s vision, making the evaluation inherently subjective. Therefore, a successful creative QA system involves aligning diverse perspectives—balancing the artist’s intent with audience expectations and industry standards.

The role of subjectivity and vision
Crucible, a tool for collaborative code quality assessment, does not provide the necessary tools for creative QA. Akin to Crucible, most tools available for quality assurance does not cover all the requirements of a creative QA scenario. Source: Software Advice

Iterative nature and continuous improvement

Creative work thrives on iteration and refinement. A robust QA system recognizes this iterative nature, fostering a culture where feedback loops and revisions are not just encouraged but integrated into the creative process. Continuous improvement becomes a cornerstone, allowing for enhancements in subsequent iterations.

Balancing artistic freedom and quality standards

One of the challenges in creative QA is striking the delicate balance between preserving the artist’s freedom and adhering to quality standards. It involves empowering creators to express their vision while ensuring that the final output meets predefined benchmarks for quality, consistency, and effectiveness.

Why should creative QA be implemented?

In the realm of creative industries, whether it’s a captivating photograph, an engaging video, or a thought-provoking marketing campaign, the implementation of a robust QA system holds profound significance. While the concept of QA might evoke images of error detection and rectification, in the realm of creativity, its essence transcends mere fault-finding. 

Here’s why implementing a creative QA process is pivotal.

Ensuring consistency and brand integrity

In a world inundated with visual and interactive content, maintaining consistency across various creative outputs is paramount. A solid QA process acts as a safeguard, ensuring that each piece, be it a photograph, a marketing collateral, or a video, upholds the brand’s identity, voice, and values. Consistency breeds familiarity, reinforcing brand recall and fostering trust among the audience.

Also read: The Ultimate Guide To Brand Compliance

Enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement

Creative outputs are designed to evoke emotions, convey messages, or tell stories. Flawless execution not only captivates but also resonates with the audience. A meticulously crafted QA system ensures that these creative endeavors meet or surpass audience expectations, leading to heightened engagement and customer satisfaction.

Mitigating errors and cost reduction

In the creative realm, errors can not only compromise the quality of the output but also incur substantial costs and setbacks. A well-structured QA process minimizes the occurrence of errors by identifying and rectifying issues early in the creative cycle. This proactive approach not only saves time and resources but also safeguards against potential reputational damage.

Upholding professionalism and credibility

A high standard of quality is synonymous with professionalism and credibility. Whether it’s a professional photographer, a marketing agency, or a production studio, adhering to stringent quality benchmarks bolsters the reputation of the creators. Consistently delivering top-notch creative work solidifies their position as industry leaders and instills confidence in their clientele.

Aligning with business objectives

Behind every creative endeavor lies a set of strategic objectives—be it increasing brand visibility, driving sales, or engaging audiences. A robust QA process ensures that the creative outputs align with these overarching business goals. It bridges the gap between creativity and functionality, ensuring that the artistic vision doesn’t overshadow the intended business impact.

Embracing continuous improvement

Quality assurance isn’t a one-time task; it’s a continual process of refinement and enhancement. By integrating feedback loops and revisions into the creative workflow, a QA system fosters a culture of continuous improvement. This iterative approach not only elevates the current outputs but also informs and enhances future creations.

Stages of the QA process

The creative QA process is a structured approach to ensuring the quality of creative deliverables. It typically involves the following stages:

1. Planning and concept development

  • Involve QA from the outset: Integrate QA professionals into the planning and concept development stages to ensure quality considerations are incorporated from the start.
  • Provide early feedback: QA can provide early feedback on the creative direction, ensuring alignment with brand objectives and quality standards.
  • Review initial concepts: QA can review initial concepts and provide feedback on the overall effectiveness of the creative approach.

2. Design and content creation

  • Review design mockups and prototypes: QA can review design mockups and prototypes to identify any potential usability issues or inconsistencies with brand guidelines.
  • Evaluate content drafts: QA can evaluate content drafts for grammar, spelling, accuracy of information, and adherence to brand voice and style guidelines.
  • Provide feedback on layout and visuals: QA can provide feedback on layout, typography, imagery, and visual elements, ensuring they enhance the overall message and brand identity.
Design and content creation

Artwork Flow includes AI-enabled tools to automatically generate content and layouts that are compliant with the brand guidelines.

3. Development and testing

  • Test prototypes and final deliverables: QA can test prototypes and final deliverables to ensure they function as intended, are free of errors, and meet accessibility standards.
  • Conduct cross-browser compatibility testing: QA can conduct cross-browser compatibility testing to ensure the creative deliverables display correctly across different browsers and devices.
  • Evaluate user experience: QA can evaluate the user experience of creative deliverables, providing feedback on navigation, intuitiveness, and overall engagement.

4. Pre-launch review

  • Conduct a final comprehensive review: QA can conduct a final comprehensive review of all creative deliverables before launch, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and consistency.
  • Flag any remaining issues: QA can flag any remaining issues that require attention before the deliverables are released to the public.
  • Provide a sign-off: Upon thorough examination and satisfaction with the quality, the QA team grants final approval, allowing the creative deliverables to be released to the public.

5. Post-launch monitoring

  • Monitor user feedback: QA can monitor user feedback on creative deliverables, identifying any areas for improvement or potential issues that need to be addressed.
  • Analyze QA metrics: QA can analyze QA metrics to track trends, identify patterns, and gain insights into the effectiveness of the creative QA process.
  • Continuous improvement: QA can use the gathered insights to continuously improve the creative QA process, ensuring it remains effective and aligned with the evolving needs of the organization.

How to set up a creative QA process

Establishing a robust creative QA process is crucial for ensuring the quality and consistency of your creative output. Here are some key considerations for setting up an effective creative QA process:

1. Make QA result-oriented

Shift the focus from simply counting the number of bugs detected to evaluating the overall impact of QA efforts on the quality of creative deliverables. Measure QA effectiveness based on factors such as reduced rework, improved user experience, and enhanced brand reputation.

Proof your creatives with Artwork Flow
Using state-of-the-art proofing tools, it is possible to provide constructive feedback to have a more result oriented creative QA system.

2. Prioritize transparency

Foster a culture of transparency where QA is an integral part of the creative process. Encourage open communication and collaboration between QA professionals and other team members, ensuring everyone is aligned with quality expectations and standards.

3. Establish clear roles and responsibilities

Define clear roles and responsibilities for QA team members, outlining their specific duties throughout the creative workflow. This clarity ensures accountability and prevents overlap or ambiguity in QA tasks.

4. Implement a structured workflow

Develop a structured workflow that integrates QA activities seamlessly into the creative development process. This could involve establishing checkpoints for QA reviews, providing feedback loops, and incorporating QA sign-offs into the approval process.

Artwork Flow's Gantt Chart
Artwork Flow comes with extensive workflow management tools that simplifies complex projects.

5. Leverage automation tools

Utilize automation tools to streamline repetitive QA tasks, such as grammar and spell checking, accessibility checks, and cross-browser compatibility testing. This frees up QA professionals to focus on more complex and high-value activities.

6. Establish standardized quality guidelines

Develop and maintain standardized quality guidelines that clearly define the expectations for creative deliverables. These guidelines should encompass aspects like brand identity, typography, imagery, content style, and accessibility standards.

7. Conduct regular training and development

Provide regular training and development opportunities for QA professionals to stay updated on industry best practices, emerging technologies, and evolving quality standards. This ensures their skills remain relevant and effective.

8. Continuously evaluate and improve

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your creative QA process, identifying areas for improvement and adapting to changing needs. Gather feedback from team members, analyze QA metrics, and implement continuous improvement initiatives.

Tools required for creative quality assurance

A comprehensive creative QA process requires the right tools to streamline tasks, enhance collaboration, and ensure the highest quality of creative deliverables. Here are some essential tools for creative QA, along with real-life examples:

1. Generic project management tools

Project management tools like Asana, Trello, and Jira provide a centralized platform for organizing, tracking, and managing QA tasks throughout the creative workflow. These tools allow QA professionals to assign tasks, set deadlines, track progress, and collaborate with team members in real-time. Using Jira templates can further enhance more efficiency.

A design agency can use Asana to manage their creative QA process. They create separate projects for each client and assign QA tasks to specific team members. Asana's Kanban board view allows them to visualize the workflow, track the progress of tasks, and identify any bottlenecks. However, such tools lack comprehensive online proofing or brand asset management that is often needed in creative industries. 

2. Bug tracking tools

Bug tracking tools like BugHerd, Bugzilla, and MantisBT help QA professionals capture, categorize, and manage bugs or issues identified during the creative review process. These tools allow for detailed descriptions, prioritization, assignment, and tracking of bugs until they are resolved.

Web development companies can use such tools to track bugs found during their creative QA testing. They create detailed bug reports with screenshots, descriptions, and steps to reproduce the issue. The integration with their project management tool allows them to easily link bugs to specific tasks and track their resolution.

3. Version control systems

Version control systems like Git, Mercurial, and Subversion maintain a history of changes made to creative deliverables, allowing for easy rollbacks, comparisons, and collaboration. These systems are essential for tracking the evolution of creative assets and ensuring consistency across different versions.

A marketing agency may use Git to manage the version history of its creative assets, including logos, brochures, and social media graphics. Git allows them to track changes made by different designers, revert to previous versions if needed, and maintain a consistent brand identity across all materials. However, version control of large visual assets, such as videos, can be a challenge on Git. Artwork Flow’s version control is equipped to manage history for visual assets from over 160 file types without complicating the user experience.

4. Collaboration tools

Collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom facilitate real-time communication and collaboration among QA professionals and other team members. These tools enable instant messaging, file sharing, video conferencing, and screen sharing, ensuring everyone is on the same page and can resolve issues promptly.

A creative agency may Slack to communicate with their clients during the creative QA process. They create separate channels for each project and invite the client to join. Slack allows for instant feedback, quick file sharing, and real-time discussions, ensuring the client is involved in the QA process and satisfied with the final deliverables. However, it lacks proper creative collaboration, centralized storage, AI-enabled workflows, or version control in general. 

5. Creative operations solutions

Creative automation tools like Artwork Flow can streamline repetitive QA tasks, such as image optimization, accessibility checks, and cross-browser compatibility testing. These tools help QA professionals focus on more complex and high-value activities.

Creative ops platforms like Artwork Flow bring the power of AI to the creative QA process. By leveraging AI algorithms, these platforms can automate repetitive tasks, provide insights into user behavior, and identify potential quality issues that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Artwork Flow stands out as a particularly valuable tool for creative QA due to its comprehensive suite of features and ease of use. It offers a wide range of automation capabilities, including:

  • Image optimization: Artwork Flow automatically optimizes images for different platforms and devices, ensuring they load quickly and maintain high quality.
  • Accessibility checks: Artwork Flow checks images for accessibility compliance, ensuring they are accessible to users with visual impairments.
  • Cross-browser compatibility testing: Artwork Flow tests creative deliverables across different browsers and devices to identify and resolve compatibility issues.
  • Brand consistency: Artwork Flow helps maintain brand consistency by enforcing brand guidelines across all creative assets.

With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Artwork Flow is an excellent choice for creative teams seeking to streamline their QA process and enhance the quality of their creative deliverables.


In today's competitive digital landscape, the quality of your creative output is paramount. By implementing a robust creative QA process and leveraging innovative tools like Artwork Flow, you can ensure that your creative deliverables consistently meet the highest standards, captivate your audience, and propel your brand forward. Experience firsthand on how Artwork Flow can transform your creative QA process and elevate your brand's visual impact. Try the Artwork Flow demo today! 

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