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How To Find Your Brand Voice [Free Template]

Shirly Christy

How To Find Your Brand Voice [Free Template]

November 28, 2023
January 23, 2024
Shirly Christy


Nike says Just Do It. 

Old Spice says The Original. 

In today's ever-evolving business world, where brands are vying for attention, consumers are left with a whole set of choices. Amidst the chaos, one thing remains recognizable — the brand voice which sets your brand apart from the competition. 

Brand voice is the emotional connection that induces your customers to take an action by speaking directly to their hearts and minds. But how do you find this powerful brand voice?

In this blog, we will discuss how to find your brand voice and create a brand persona that resonates with your customers through real-world business examples. At the end of the blog, you will also find a free brand voice template designed to help you create your brand voice.  

What is a brand voice? 

A brand voice is the personality of your brand. It refers to how your company communicates and expresses itself to your target audience. 

It is a factor that keeps your brand unique in the eyes of your customers. It shows how you convey your message, values, and identity through words on your website, social channels, or other promotional channels.

Why is it important to have a brand voice? 

Brings consistency 

Having a consistent brand voice means always speaking in the same style and tone. Take a look at Headspace, one of the leading meditation apps. The one word that describes its tone of voice is calm

Throughout their messaging and visual style, they maintain a calm tone of voice in their communication. Having a brand voice can increase consistency and allow your customers to recognize your brand easily. 

Adds clarity to your messaging 

Your brand voice should be clear and easy to understand.. For example, Wendy's tone of voice is sarcastic and edgy. This can be seen consistently across all their communication channels. 

With the simple language of sarcasm, Wendy's has crafted an authentic place amidst all the fast food giants in the market. Similarly, speaking in a jargon-free manner can help your audience connect quickly with your messaging. 

3. Creates a brand personality for your brand 

A brand voice is a reflection of your entire brand personality. Tiffany & Co. is a luxury jewelry brand, and its personality reflects sophistication and elegance. 

You can choose from various personality types, including friendly, casual, professional, serious, playful, energetic, humorous, and more. Your brand voice sets the mood and leaves an impression on your customers. 

4. Instills connection with your audience 

A strong brand voice creates a connection with your audience. One of the greatest examples of a brand voice that resonates with customers is Nike. Nike set itself apart as an inspirational brand that empowers its audience to 'Just do it.' 

It is speaking your customers' language so they feel comfortable and understood. When your voice resonates with them, building trust and loyalty is easier.

5. Keeps you distinct from your competitors

Your brand voice helps you stand out in a crowded market. It's what makes you unique and recognizable amidst different brands in the market. One of the best examples is of Spotify, which has a unique tone of voice compared to its competitors. Their messaging is witty, friendly, and filled with pop culture references. 

Your brand voice is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience, setting your brand apart, and leaving a lasting impression. So, when you find the right brand voice, you're on your way to making your brand memorable and relatable to your target audience. 

How do you find your brand voice? 

Your brand voice is more than just words — it embodies the personality and tone that creates an emotional connection with your customers. But how does one discover this brand voice? Here are five key steps that can help you identify your brand voice. 

1. Understand the core of your brand

The first step you must take before finding your brand voice is to understand what it is and why it matters. Your brand voice is the DNA of your brand. It needs to be unique and define who you are. 

Think of Apple — their brand voice is all about simplicity and innovation. This brand voice is reflected in every piece of communication, from web pages to product descriptions and even their advertising. This creates a sense of comfort and trust. This emotional connection is what drives customer loyalty.

2. Identifying your brand's mission and values 

The second step to building your brand voice is understanding and defining your brand's mission and values. Your brand's mission and values are the guiding principles that give your business a sense of purpose. They determine why your brand exists and what it stands for.

Importantly, they play a central role in shaping your brand voice. Consider a brand like Airbnb's mission to "belong anywhere." This mission is evident in their brand voice, which reflects their commitment to making their platform an end-to-end service provider to take care of every aspect of a traveler's journey. 

How do you define your brand's mission and values? 

A. Define your mission

Start by asking yourself what your brand hopes to achieve beyond making a profit. What positive change do you want to create for your customers or the world? Write a concise mission statement that encapsulates your brand's purpose.

B. Identify core values

List the core values that your brand holds. These could be things like integrity, innovation, sustainability, or community. Your values should align with your mission and drive your brand's operations.

C. Establish your brand personality

Do you want your brand to come across as witty, calm, sarcastic, innovative, cutting-edge, or something else? Start by defining the personality traits that will form the basis of your brand voice.

Identifying your brand's mission and values is pivotal in shaping your brand voice. Your brand's mission, vision, and values are powerful and help you connect with your customers more deeply.

Link to Brand Voice Worksheet

3. Understanding your target audience 

Understanding your target audience is a pivotal factor in shaping your brand voice. Knowing your target audience is like having a direct line to your customers' preferences, needs, and desires. 

It's the key to speaking their language and connecting with them. Your brand voice should be a reflection of this understanding. When your brand voice aligns with your audience, it creates a powerful connection that fosters trust and loyalty.

How do you identify your target audience? 

  1. Develop detailed personas representing your ideal customers. Consider age, gender, location, interests, and pain points. The more you know about your audience, the better you tailor your brand voice to speak directly to them.
  2. Collect data through surveys, market research, and customer feedback to gain insights into your audience's preferences, opinions, and behaviors. This data can inform your brand voice strategy.
  3. Use social listening tools and platforms to monitor how you engage with your brand and what content resonates with them.

When your brand voice aligns with the preferences and needs of your audience, you create a genuine and lasting connection and build strong customer relationships.

4. Develop your brand persona 

Developing a brand persona is a critical step in finding your brand voice. Your brand persona is the face of your brand – it's the character and personality your audience can relate to. Creating a persona that resonates with your audience is crucial for building a meaningful connection. Think of Oreo — it has built a brand persona around nostalgia and playfulness. This persona helps them connect with their audience and makes them seem more relatable. 

How do you craft a unique brand persona?

  1. Crafting a brand persona involves defining a unique personality that sets your brand apart from the competition. 
  2. Your brand persona must not be something you set only for marketing purposes. Instead, it should be deeply rooted in your brand's mission and values. 
  3. Ensure that the persona you create for your brand aligns with the emotions and feelings you want to evolve in your audience. 

Creating an authentic brand persona can help you better resonate with your audience and reflect your brand's essence. 

5. Remain consistent with your brand voice 

Consistency is the foundation for building a strong brand voice. It ensures that your audience receives a unified, recognizable message from your brand, whether they visit your website, engage with you on social media, or look at your advertisements. 

Like Coca-Cola consistently conveys happiness and togetherness in all its communications, a consistent brand voice fosters brand recognition and trust. It makes your brand familiar and dependable, leading to long-lasting relationships with your audience.

How can you ensure brand voice consistency? 

  1. Create clear and comprehensive brand guidelines that define your brand voice. These guidelines should cover aspects like tone, language, and style. This can help everyone on your team to be on the same page.
  2. Ensuring consistency in your brand voice starts with educating your team members to embody the brand voice correctly. 
  3. Before publishing any content, have a checklist that ensures it adheres to your brand voice guidelines. 

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Your brand voice is not just the words you use; it's the personality and tone that connects with your audience, sets you apart, and resonates with your core values. Your brand voice makes you memorable and relatable in the eyes of your customers. You build trust, loyalty, and lasting relationships by consistently speaking in a way that reflects your brand's essence and resonates with your audience.

While you're on the journey to empower your brand,  consider utilizing creative management tools like Artwork Flow that can assist you in maintaining brand compliance and bring everyone on your team together. With Artwork Flow's brand compliance feature, you can ensure your brand guidelines are consistent across all your creative assets. Book a demo and see the difference. 

Craft your brand voice with our free brand voice template
Craft your brand voice with our free brand voice template
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Craft your brand voice with our free brand voice template
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