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Label Management
May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024

10 Tips to Build a Recall-proof Label Review System

Rangan Das

10 Tips to Build a Recall-proof Label Review System

May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024
Rangan Das


Imagine enjoying a refreshing smoothie made with your favorite brand of frozen fruit, completely unaware that it's been recalled due to potential listeria contamination traced back to mislabeled Enoki mushrooms. This scenario, unfortunately, became a reality for many consumers in 2023, highlighting the very real dangers associated with label errors.

Just last year, several major food brands were forced to issue recalls due to labeling mistakes. Trader Joe's was implicated in a recall of their Organic Tropical Fruit Blend after enoki mushrooms were mistakenly included without proper labeling, posing a serious health risk to consumers, especially those with compromised immune systems. This incident, along with similar recalls involving Costco and Aldi, underscores the critical role of label accuracy in ensuring product safety and consumer trust.

Beyond the immediate health concerns, labeling errors can have a devastating impact on businesses. Recalls can result in significant financial losses, brand damage, and even legal repercussions. In 2023, a pharmaceutical company faced a massive recall due to a labeling error that resulted in the incorrect dosage being administered to patients. This incident not only caused immense emotional distress but also resulted in hefty fines and a significant blow to the company's reputation.

These real-world examples serve as stark reminders of the importance of implementing robust label review and print inspection procedures. By establishing a comprehensive system for scrutinizing labels at every stage of production, companies can significantly reduce the risk of recalls and safeguard both consumer safety and brand integrity.

This blog post delves into the essential steps you can take to build a recall-proof label review system. By following these best practices, you can ensure your products reach consumers with accurate and compliant labeling, fostering trust and protecting your brand reputation.

What can trigger a product recall?

While product recalls can stem from various issues, labeling errors consistently rank among the top culprits across industries, posing significant risks and causing major disruptions. Here's a closer look at the common pitfalls:

1. Undeclared allergens

Failure to declare allergens remains the leading cause of food recalls, with even trace amounts of undeclared allergens like peanuts, soy, or shellfish triggering severe reactions in consumers with allergies. Examples include the 2023 recall of Trader Joe's Organic Tropical Fruit Blend due to undeclared Enoki mushrooms and the ongoing challenges with gluten-free labeling accuracy.

Also read: Everything You Need to Know About Food Allergen Labeling In 2024

2. Misleading claims

Exaggerated health benefits, false advertising, or unauthorized use of logos can erode consumer trust and potentially violate regulations. A prominent example is the 2015 recall of Hydroxycut weight loss supplements due to misleading claims about their effectiveness and safety.

3. Formatting errors

Typos, grammatical mistakes, or unclear instructions can create confusion and potentially lead to product misuse. In the medical device industry, even minor formatting inconsistencies can have life-threatening consequences, as seen in the 2016 recall of certain insulin pumps due to misleading dosage instructions.

4. Compliance issues

Failure to adhere to labeling regulations, including language requirements, font size, and mandatory warnings, can result in hefty fines and product withdrawals. For instance, the recent recall of several children's toys due to violations of choking hazard labeling regulations highlights the importance of staying updated on compliance standards.

Beyond labeling errors, product recalls can also occur due to

  • Contamination: The presence of harmful bacteria, chemicals, or foreign objects in products can necessitate recalls to protect consumer safety.
  • Manufacturing defects: Faulty packaging or product malfunctions can pose risks, leading to recalls.
  • Product spoilage: Improper storage or handling can cause spoilage, prompting recalls to prevent illness.
  • Non-compliance with regulations: Products failing to meet safety standards may be subject to recalls.

Also read: 5 Common Errors in Pharmaceutical Labeling - Artwork Flow

Companies can implement robust label review and inspection processes only if they understand these diverse triggers. They can then minimize the risk of recalls and ensure accurate, compliant labeling that safeguards consumers and protects brand reputation.

The true cost of a recall

When a product recall hits the headlines, the immediate financial strain of removing defective items from circulation is just the tip of the iceberg. Delving deeper reveals a plethora of hidden expenses that can inflict lasting harm on businesses. Let's delve into the layers of these hidden costs:

1. Erosion of sales and brand trust

Product recalls deal a heavy blow to consumer confidence, resulting in dwindling sales and weakened brand equity. Consumers may shy away from purchasing goods from the affected company, casting shadows on future revenue streams.

Recalls often attract intense media scrutiny, tarnishing brand reputation and triggering negative publicity. The repercussions of adverse publicity can linger, impeding future marketing endeavors and customer engagement efforts.

2. Regulatory ramifications and penalties

Violations of labeling regulations can trigger substantial fines from regulatory bodies, commensurate with the severity of the breach and the potential harm inflicted on consumers.

Labeling inaccuracies may culminate in product liability lawsuits, ushering in significant legal expenditures and potential settlements.

3. Disruptions and downtime in production

Recalls necessitate halting production lines and scheduling delays to rectify labeling discrepancies and ensure compliant products re-enter the market. Such interruptions disrupt production schedules, impede efficiency, and translate into missed revenue opportunities.

Rectifying packaging, labeling, or product formulations to address recall issues incurs supplementary production expenses, further stretching financial resources.

4. Supply chain turbulence

Recalls send shockwaves across the entire supply chain, straining relationships with retailers, distributors, and suppliers. Disruptions in the supply chain landscape can result in missed business prospects, strained partnerships, and potential contractual penalties.

Coordinating product retrieval, engaging with stakeholders, and implementing corrective measures across diverse channels compound the financial toll of the recall.

5. Long-term impacts on market presence and innovation

Recalls cast a shadow over a company's reputation and market share, potentially prompting consumers to switch allegiance to competitors. Rebuilding trust is a gradual and arduous process.

The financial repercussions of recalls may curtail resources earmarked for innovation and the development of new products, impeding future growth trajectories.

In essence, the ramifications of product recalls extend far beyond the initial financial strain, permeating various facets of a business's operations and reputation. Navigating through the aftermath of a recall demands a multifaceted approach that prioritizes consumer safety, regulatory compliance, and brand resilience.

How does print inspection help avoid product recalls?

One significant aspect of ensuring product quality is print inspection, a meticulous process that plays a crucial role in averting the need for costly and reputation-damaging product recalls.

1. Precision in labeling and packaging:

  • Accurate information: Print inspection systems meticulously scrutinize labels and packaging to ensure that critical information, such as ingredients, dosage instructions, or usage guidelines, is correct and legible. Automated software can help with PDF inspection before they are printed in bulk.
  • Regulatory compliance: Adherence to regulatory standards is paramount. Print inspection helps identify and rectify any deviations from regulatory requirements, mitigating the risk of fines and penalties.

2. Prevention of packaging errors

  • Batch consistency: Print inspection technologies monitor batch codes and expiration dates to guarantee consistency across product packaging. This helps prevent errors that could lead to confusion among consumers.
  • Anti-counterfeiting measures: Advanced print inspection systems can detect counterfeit packaging, protecting both consumers and the brand from fraudulent activities.

3. Detection of defects

  • Visual defects: Print inspection goes beyond just text, identifying visual defects such as color variations, smudges, or misprints that might compromise the overall appearance and quality of the product.

4. Swift response to design changes

  • Dynamic adjustments: In industries where frequent design changes occur, such as in the packaging of consumer goods, print inspection systems allow for dynamic adjustments, ensuring that the new designs are implemented accurately and consistently. Online proofing solutions allow collaborative reviews of the adjustments. 

5. Enhanced production efficiency

  • Reduced waste: By catching errors early in the production process, print inspection minimizes the generation of defective products, reducing waste and optimizing production efficiency.
  • Cost savings: Avoiding the need for product recalls translates into significant cost savings for the company, as the expenses associated with recalls can be substantial.

6. Improved consumer safety and trust

  • Ensuring accuracy: Consumers rely on accurate product information. Print inspection plays a pivotal role in ensuring that labels convey precise details, fostering trust and confidence among consumers.
  • Mitigating health risks: Detecting defects or contamination before products reach the market prevents potential health risks, demonstrating a commitment to consumer safety.

Print inspection best practices with Artwork Flow

Artwork Flow's ComplyAI, equipped with advanced compliance review features, emerges as an all-in-one solution for print inspection. ComplyAI offers a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline label compliance checks, enhance efficiency, and mitigate the risk of costly errors.

Here are key best practices for an effective print inspection process with Artwork Flow's ComplyAI:

1. Tailor rulebooks to your needs

  • Leverage the flexibility of ComplyAI to create rulebooks that align with your specific brand and regulatory compliance requirements.
  • Craft rules addressing critical elements such as allergen information, barcode accuracy, and other key details.

2. Address diverse compliance guidelines

  • Stay ahead of regulatory changes by using ComplyAI to address a spectrum of compliance guidelines.
  • Effortlessly navigate complex regulatory landscapes, including guidelines from the FDA, FSSAI, and regional regulations like California’s new Bottle Bill.

3. Optimize barcode verification

  • Mitigate the risk of brand damage due to incorrect barcodes by utilizing Artwork Flow's barcode verification solution.
  • Scan and verify barcode details instantly, ensuring accuracy and avoiding the potential fallout of erroneous product identification.
Barcode verification

4. Personalize brand compliance

  • Enhance brand consistency by utilizing grouped rules for specific requirements.
  • Ensure that logos, copy, language usage, and other brand-specific elements adhere to predefined standards.

5. Leverage collaborative features

Foster seamless communication and collaboration between designers, reviewers, and stakeholders with integrated commenting and annotation features. 

This allows for real-time feedback exchange and efficient resolution of any identified issues.

6. Streamline quality assurance checks

  • Simplify the process of quality assurance (QA) checks by leveraging Artwork Flow's automated compliance software.
  • Address diverse compliance needs across multiple creatives effortlessly, allowing for a comprehensive and streamlined QA process.
Label check

7. Empower ComplyAI for review

  • Harness the power of ComplyAI to review copy without the need for exhaustive manual reading.
  • Set preferred and restricted terms, verify fonts, and maintain grammatical accuracy, freeing up valuable time for creative refinement.
ComplyAI for cosmetics label review

8. Regularly update rulebooks

  • Stay proactive by regularly updating rulebooks to reflect any changes in compliance standards or business requirements.
  • Ensure that the print inspection process remains dynamic and aligned with evolving industry regulations.

9. Centralize asset management

  • Artwork Flow provides a secure, centralized repository for all your label versions, ensuring everyone involved in the review process works with the latest and approved iteration. 
  • Use brand asset management to keep all brand assets updated and compliant, ensuring all projects have access to the relevant assets. 

10. Automate proofing

  • Leverage the power of AI-powered proofing tools to efficiently identify potential errors in formatting, spelling, and compliance. 
  • Use AI-enabled tooling to automatically flag inconsistencies, saving valuable time and resources during the review process.

Bonus tip: Continuous learning and improvement

  • Capitalize on the smart automation features of ComplyAI to save valuable staff hours. Like most AI-enabled tools, ComplyAI also gets updated with new features and improvements. Stay up to date on the latest features to ensure that you are making the most of your investment. 
  • Build efficient workflows that reduce manual intervention with the help of solutions like ComplyAI, allowing teams to focus on creative aspects rather than repetitive compliance checks.
  • Train your staff on how to better use the new features. Platforms like Artwork Flow come with a simple and intuitive UI that allows almost anyone to go from zero to hero in very little time.  

Through these practices, businesses can optimize their print inspection processes with Artwork Flow's ComplyAI, paving the way for error-free, compliant, and visually striking printed materials. This not only safeguards brand reputation but also contributes to enhanced efficiency and productivity across the entire design and production workflow. Artwork Flow's commitment to customization, automation, and compliance assurance makes it an asset for businesses seeking excellence in print inspection.


While robust label review processes are crucial, staying abreast of ever-evolving regulations can be a constant challenge. This is where ComplyAI shines. By leveraging AI-powered compliance verification, the automated solution easily scans labels against relevant regulations, highlighting potential inconsistencies and minimizing the risk of inadvertent violations.

This additional layer of protection ensures your labels meet the latest compliance standards, reducing the likelihood of recalls and safeguarding your brand's reputation in the ever-changing regulatory landscape. Try out the demo today!

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