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Creative Intelligence
June 1, 2023
July 14, 2023

Beyond Clicks and Conversions: Measuring the Success of Intelligent Ad Creatives

Rangan Das

Beyond Clicks and Conversions: Measuring the Success of Intelligent Ad Creatives

June 1, 2023
July 14, 2023
Rangan Das


Modern AI systems have brought drastic changes to the workplace – even when it comes to creative endeavors. When it comes to industries like marketing, creativity plays a crucial role in the success of the brand. However, such creativity must be both intelligent and measurable to ensure that it provides a positive return on investment. 

Previously, creativity was mainly based on personal opinions and only achievable by humans. However, the use of creative intelligence is transforming the norms of the industry and demonstrating the effectiveness of creating automated banner ads using data and artificial intelligence (AI). We can now tune creativity with data-driven creative insights to improve ad performance. 

This blog discusses how you can use data to measure the performance of such intelligent ad creatives.  

What are Intelligent Ad Creatives?

Intelligent ad creatives refer to advertisements that use advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data analytics to create highly personalized and relevant ad content for individual consumers.

To make sure that each ad caters to the particular needs and preferences of the target audience, marketing teams can dynamically adjust ad content and delivery based on real-time user data, such as browsing behavior, location, interests, and purchase history.

Text-based ads, display ads, video ads, social media ads, and more are all examples of intelligent ad creatives. They can also be optimized for various channels, devices, and platforms, including websites, mobile apps, social media networks, and search engines.

The goal of intelligent ad creatives is to improve the effectiveness and ROI of advertising campaigns by delivering more relevant and engaging content to consumers, thereby increasing brand awareness, driving more traffic to websites or physical stores, and ultimately boosting brand identity and brand recognition.

Why is it important to measure ad performance?

Ad performance is a key strategy for businesses that aim to understand how their advertisements affect the target demographics they hope to influence. Creative analysis of advertisements enables businesses to fully comprehend the scope of their campaigns so they may concentrate on the key components and include them in subsequent initiatives.

Measuring advertising performance can provide valuable insights and benefits for brands in several ways, including:

#1. Evaluating campaign effectiveness

The very first reason to measure ad effectiveness is to measure campaign effectiveness. Measuring advertising performance helps brands to identify what works and what doesn't in marketing campaigns and make necessary adjustments to improve performance.

#2. Optimizing ad spend

Measuring advertising performance helps brands to optimize their advertising spend by identifying which campaigns, channels, and audiences generate the highest returns on investment (ROI). Brands operating on tight budgets can improve their finances by measuring ad performance. 

#3. Improving targeting

Measuring advertising performance helps brands to better understand their target audience and create more effective, relevant, and personalized ads that resonate with them.

#4. Enhancing brand identity, recognition, and awareness

Measuring advertising performance helps brands to track and improve their brand awareness by measuring key metrics such as reach, impressions, and engagement. This, in turn, improves brand identity and recognition. 

#5. Increasing customer engagement

Measuring advertising performance helps brands to measure and improve customer engagement by tracking metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and time spent on site.

#6. Driving sales and revenue

Measuring advertising performance helps brands identify the most effective campaigns and channels for driving sales and revenue, and optimize their advertising strategies to maximize profits.

#7. Getting an edge over the competition

Measuring advertising performance helps brands to stay competitive in the marketplace by monitoring and benchmarking their performance against industry standards and competitors and identifying areas for improvement.

In this article, we will discuss how creative intelligence and AI has changed the advertising landscape and how you can measure your creative efforts to better design marketing campaigns. 

How can we measure ad performance?

Traditionally, we use simple metrics to measure ad performance. Here are some examples. 

  • Impressions: the number of times an ad is viewed by users.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): the percentage of people who clicked on an ad after seeing it.
  • Conversion rate: the percentage of users who completed the desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, after clicking on an ad.
  • Cost per impression: the cost of showing an ad to 1,000 people.
  • Cost per click (CPC): the cost of each click on an ad.
  • Return on investment (ROI): the ratio of the amount earned from an ad campaign to the cost of the campaign.
  • Engagement rate: the percentage of users who interacted with an ad in some way, such as liking, commenting, or sharing it on social media.
  • Sales: Such as the number of purchases, amounts of these purchases, and the amount of money generated tied to each media.
  • Post-impression visitors: The number of individuals who saw your banner and visited your website later, often as much as 90 days later.
  • Frequency: The number of times you reached everyone who saw your ad.

Traditional advertising performance metrics, such as impressions, click-through rates, and conversion rates, have limitations when evaluating the effectiveness of intelligent ad creatives. They frequently lack personalization and fail to consider the various touchpoints and channels that may contribute to conversions.

To address these limitations, new metrics such as personalization metrics, attention metrics, conversion attribution, emotional metrics, and brand lift metrics are being developed. These metrics provide a completer and more nuanced picture of user behavior, engagement, and the impact on brand perception and awareness.

The Rise of Intelligent Ad Creatives

Brands today can leverage AI algorithms and data analysis to identify user preferences, behaviors, and intent to create ads that are tailored to their interests and needs. They can incorporate various formats such as videos, animations, interactive features, and personalized messaging to create a more engaging and immersive experience for users.

The ability to optimize ad performance in real time based on user behavior and feedback is one of the main advantages of using intelligent ad creatives. To increase click-through rates and conversions, marketing teams can change ad elements like color, font, messaging, and the call-to-action based on advanced insights.

Reaching younger, tech-savvy audiences who are accustomed to personalized experiences across all digital touchpoints, intelligent ad creatives are especially effective. In a crowded and competitive digital landscape, intelligent ad creatives offer a more effective, efficient, and engaging way to reach and convert customers. As more brands adopt them, they will likely become the new standard for advertising.

Brands now have access to a number of software solutions that make it easier to implement intelligent changes to ad creatives while campaigns are in progress. Here are some brands that have been using intelligent ad creatives for a while now.


Amazon product ads customized depending on the geographical location.
Source: Amazon.com. Amazon caters to ads dynamically based on user search, location, preferences, and other user data.

Amazon uses intelligent ad creatives to dynamically display product recommendations to users based on their browsing and purchase history, as well as their preferences and interests. This ensures that users are shown products that are highly relevant to them, increasing the likelihood of conversion.


Netflix Algorithm: Everything You Need to Know About the Recommendation System of the Most Popular Streaming Portal.

Netflix uses intelligent ad creatives to personalize its marketing campaigns and show users relevant content. For example, it may show different trailers or images to users based on their viewing history, preferences, and interests.


Coke Replaced Its Logo With Resolutions of Hope.

Coca-Cola uses intelligent ad creatives to personalize its advertising campaigns for different regions and cultures. For example, it may use different ad content and messaging for different countries or demographic groups, depending on local customs, holidays, and traditions.


A screenshot of a recommended playlist personalized by Spotify.

Spotify uses intelligent ad creatives to recommend personalized playlists to users based on their listening habits and preferences. This helps increase engagement and retention by providing users with content they are likelier to enjoy.


Sephora's personalized beauty recommendations.

Sephora uses intelligent ad creatives to provide personalized beauty recommendations to users based on their skin tone, skin type, and other characteristics. This helps to increase the relevance of its ads and improve the user experience, as users are shown products that are more likely to meet their specific needs.

Measuring the Success of Intelligent Ad Creatives

The success of intelligent ad creatives can be measured using a variety of metrics that go beyond traditional measures like impressions and click-through rates. These metrics provide a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of how intelligent ad creatives are performing and can help brands optimize their campaigns for maximum impact. Here are some metrics commonly used for measuring the success of intelligent ad creatives:

  • Engagement rate: measures how many users interact with an ad in some way, such as liking, commenting, or sharing it on social media.
  • Attention metrics: measure how much time users spend viewing an ad, how many times they interact with it, and their overall engagement with the ad.
  • Conversion rate: measures the percentage of users who completed a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, after clicking on an ad.
  • Personalization metrics: measure the degree of personalization in ad creatives and their effectiveness at engaging specific audiences.
  • Emotional metrics: focus on measuring emotional responses to ad creatives, such as sentiment analysis and facial recognition technology.
  • Brand lift metrics: measure the impact of ad campaigns on brand awareness, recall, and perception, rather than just focusing on short-term conversions.
  • ROI: measures the return on investment for the ad campaign, considering the cost of the campaign and the revenue generated by conversions.

These metrics help brands optimize their campaigns for maximum impact and offer a complete understanding of how intelligent ad creatives are performing. Brands can produce more effective and engaging ad experiences that encourage conversions and increase brand awareness by monitoring these metrics and modifying their campaigns as necessary.

What are the challenges and limitations of intelligent ad creatives?

While intelligent ad creatives offer a wide range of benefits for advertisers, several challenges and limitations should be considered. Here are some of the key challenges and limitations of intelligent ad creatives:

  • Complexity: Creating intelligent ad creatives requires a significant amount of technical expertise and resources, which can be a challenge for smaller businesses with limited budgets.
  • Privacy concerns: The use of user data to create personalized ads can raise privacy concerns, which can lead to backlash and potential legal issues.
  • Ad fatigue: Consumers may become tired of seeing the same types of ads over and over again, which can lead to lower engagement and conversion rates.
  • Lack of creativity: While intelligent ad creatives are highly personalized, they may lack the creative spark and emotional resonance of more traditional advertising.
  • Dependence on data: Intelligent ad creatives rely heavily on data and algorithms, which can be prone to errors and biases.
  • Limited impact: While intelligent ad creatives can be highly effective at driving short-term conversions, they may have limited impact on long-term brand awareness and perception.

Even though intelligent ad creatives have many advantages, advertisers must be aware of these drawbacks if they are to develop ethical and successful advertising campaigns. 


Measuring the success of intelligent ad creatives requires a shift away from traditional metrics like impressions and click-through rates towards a more nuanced and comprehensive approach. By using metrics that measure engagement, attention, personalization, emotional response, brand lift, and ROI, advertisers can gain a deeper understanding of how their ads are performing and optimize their campaigns for maximum impact. To see how you can leverage intelligent ad creatives in your business, give Artwork Flow a try

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