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April 17, 2024
April 17, 2024

How to Enable Compliance and Accelerate Go-To-Market with Cloud-Based Labeling

Mrignayni Pandey

How to Enable Compliance and Accelerate Go-To-Market with Cloud-Based Labeling

April 16, 2024
April 17, 2024
Mrignayni Pandey


Labeling plays a crucial role in product identification, branding, and compliance. Traditional labeling methods often involve manual processes that are time-consuming, error-prone, and prone to compliance risks.

To address these challenges, businesses are increasingly turning to cloud-based labeling and artwork management software. In this article, we will explore the definition, functionality, key features, and advantages of labeling automation, as well as the necessity of adopting such platforms.

Understanding cloud-based labeling and artwork management solutions

Cloud labeling and artwork management software are digital platforms that provide a centralized, web-based environment for creating, managing, and distributing product labels and artwork.

These solutions enable businesses to streamline labeling processes, improve accuracy, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and accelerate time-to-market for their products.

Cloud-based labeling solutions revolutionize label management in the following ways:

  • Efficiency: They significantly reduce the time and effort required to create, edit, and distribute labels, resulting in faster time-to-market.
  • Accuracy: By automating labeling processes, these platforms minimize the risk of human errors in label design and content, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  • Compliance: Cloud-based solutions provide tools and templates that adhere to industry-specific regulations, making it easier to stay compliant with labeling requirements.
    Also read: 5 Ways To Ensure Product Labeling Compliance 
  • Collaboration: Cross-functional teams can collaborate seamlessly on label design and content, reducing bottlenecks in the approval process.

The impact of not having a cloud-based solution

The absence of a cloud-based labeling solution can have several detrimental effects on a business:

  • Missed market opportunities: Slow label creation and updates can lead to missed market opportunities, particularly when launching new products or responding to consumer trends.
  • Compliance violations: Failure to comply with regulatory labeling requirements can result in fines, product recalls, damage to brand reputation, and legal consequences.
  • Operational inefficiencies: Manual labeling processes can strain resources, hinder scalability, and reduce overall operational efficiency.
  • Higher costs: Correcting labeling errors, addressing compliance issues, and managing recalls can incur significant costs.

Why traditional labeling methods aren’t enough anymore

Traditional labeling methods often involve a series of manual tasks, including label design, content creation, proofreading, and printing. This approach comes with several challenges and disadvantages:

  • Human errors: Manual processes are prone to human errors, which can result in incorrect label information, leading to compliance violations and product recalls.
  • Slow turnaround: Traditional methods are time-consuming, causing delays in bringing products to market, which can be especially problematic in fast-moving industries.
  • Compliance risks: Meeting regulatory requirements becomes increasingly challenging as regulations change, making it difficult to update labels promptly.

Cost Implications and Risks Associated with Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with labeling regulations can have severe cost implications, including:

  • Fines and penalties: Regulatory bodies can impose substantial fines and penalties for non-compliance, potentially costing businesses millions of dollars.
  • Recall costs: Product recalls are costly and can damage a company's reputation, resulting in lost sales and the expense of retrieving and replacing products.
  • Legal expenses: Non-compliance may lead to legal battles, further increasing costs.
  • Brand reputation: The loss of consumer trust and damage to brand reputation can have long-lasting financial repercussions.

Also Read: 5 Common Printing And Labeling Errors And How To Avoid Them

How Artwork Flow helps with label management

Artwork Flow emerges as a comprehensive cloud-based solution designed to simplify and enhance label management for brands. It offers a suite of tools tailored to streamline the process of creating, managing, and ensuring compliance with labels and artwork.

Custom workflows and templates

Artwork Flow allows users to create custom workflows, adapting to the specific needs of their label management process. These templates can be designed for recurring projects, ensuring consistency and efficiency in label creation and approval.

Custom Workflow

Comprehensive checklists

The platform provides the ability to proofread packaging design easily with checklists.

These checklists serve as a guide to ensure all necessary elements are included and standards are met, reducing the risk of errors. 

Comprehensive checklists

Project management tools

Artwork Flow integrates project management capabilities, enabling teams to assign tasks, set due dates, and track progress through Gantt charts. This feature ensures that all team members are aligned and deadlines are met efficiently.

Project management tools

Smart compliance tools

The platform’s ComplyAI feature ensures compliance with regulatory bodies, including automated checks for FDA guidelines. This feature is particularly crucial for brands in industries where compliance is tightly regulated, such as food and pharmaceuticals.

Smart compliance

Brand score compliance

Artwork Flow is also a brand compliance software with a compliance score feature that helps maintain brand integrity. It ensures that creatives meet brand guidelines, safeguarding the brand's image and consistency across all labels and artworks.

Brand score compliance

AI-driven asset library 

An AI-powered asset management tool is part of Artwork Flow, enabling efficient storage, management, and retrieval of creative assets. Features like smart tags, custom tags, contextual search, and filters make it easy to organize and find assets quickly.

AI-driven asset library 

3 Brands that benefited from using Artwork Flow

Here’s how the following brands benefited from using Artwork Flow

Jones Dairy Farm

Jones Dairy Farm, a premium meat manufacturer, faced challenges in updating and creating brand assets. The process involved numerous emails, iterations, and complicated version control.

The adoption of Artwork Flow streamlined their creative development, connecting team members responsible for packaging design and asset management.

Impact observed

  • Packaging developments were completed in a quarter of the time, with projects moving 50% faster.
  • The comment and version comparison features eliminated the need for emails and rework.
  • Direct collaboration with agency partners and consultants was improved, leading to optimal results and innovation in design.

Prana Organic

Prana Organic, a top Canadian organic snack brand, struggled with disjointed creative operations and inefficient collaboration.

Artwork Flow provided an easy-to-adopt solution for a cross-functional team, managing packaging design workflows and improving visibility into the process.

Impact observed:

  • Enabled immediate identification and addressing of bottlenecks.
  • Smart proofing and annotation tools accelerated file reviews and revisions.
  • The entire packaging design process was streamlined, with easier retrieval of creatives and centralized feedback.


Savencia, an international dairy brand, faced challenges with ineffective data handling and the inability to version artworks. 

Artwork Flow provided version comparison, helped create an organized system for artworks, and tracked changes and feedback. 

Impact observed: 

  • Helped detect inconsistencies and maintain uniformity across designs.
  • Swift access to all artworks on one platform, aiding in regulatory adherence.
  • Enhanced accountability and streamlined the approval process.

Wrapping up 

The adoption of cloud-based labeling and artwork management solutions like Artwork Flow is transforming how businesses approach label creation and compliance. By leveraging these advanced platforms, companies can significantly enhance efficiency, accuracy, and compliance, while reducing the risks and costs associated with traditional labeling methods. 

All in all, embracing such innovative technologies is not just a step towards operational excellence but a strategic move to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

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