How Savencia Improved Traceability With Versioning And Sped Up Their GTM

Mrignayni Pandey

August 1, 2024

Discover how international dairy brand Savencia uses Artwork Flow to improve accountability, avoid information loss and confusion, and go to market faster.

Savencia is an international brand spread across 120 countries that specializes in cheese, dairy, and gourmet food. This family-run brand is independent and takes concrete steps for animal welfare and sustainability.

However, being the fifth largest cheese group in the world, Savencia faced a lot of problems while handling their artwork for labels and packages.

Using emails for communication and updates slowed down the artwork approval process and didn’t provide much clarity on the artwork movement. Even a study by McKinsey suggests that workers spend about 28% of the average work week rereading and answering emails.

One of Savencia's products

The challenge

Ineffective data handling and inability to version artworks

With 5 projects running simultaneously with six or more artworks in each, it was very easy for the Savencia team to lose data in email threads or mix up the feedback for different artworks. Getting updates through emails and phone calls also increased the complexity with which tasks were assigned and tracked.

The result was an unorganized workflow with less accountability and a lot of confusion.

Here are some of the challenges faced by Savencia:

1. Unavailability Of Version Comparison

Savencia did not have a system to keep track of all its artwork versions and compare them alongside another. This increased the time required to make the packaging consistent across the brand.

Emails were used for communication which also caused confusion about the progress of a particular project.

2. Inefficient Artwork Management

Before signing up for Artwork Flow, Savencia assigned tasks to all its members manually. They had upto 4 SKU’s and two artworks in each of them. The artworks were sent and received in threads that made access to data more complex.

All this resulted in an inefficient management that decreased the team’s productivity and eventually led to delay in approval.

3. Absence Of A Tracking System

Without digital artwork management software, it was impossible for Savencia to keep track of the changes and updates made in the artworks. The feedback was very easily lost in the loop and was difficult to record.

Savencia also had to deal with unaccountable team members who delayed their assigned work and slowed down the whole process of approval. The supervisor could not have an overview on the pending projects on each member’s desk.

Artwork Flow: The solution for artwork consistency in the brand

Artwork Flow equipped Savencia with features that helped it manage its labels more functionally. It helped them set up a streamlined workflow that could track their artworks from beginning to end.

Here’s how:

1. Access to versions and comparison feature

Using the version comparison feature helped Savencia detect and prevent inconsistencies and mistakes like spelling errors in its packaging designs. Access to all versions helped them refer to a previous stage easily.

The version comparison feature along with the measurement feature helped Savencia have uniformity across all designs.

2. Organized system for all artworks at one place

Having an organized system for artworks allowed the designers at Savencia to have swift access to all artworks on one platform. This also made keeping records easy.

Being an international brand, it was also important for Savencia to maintain its reputation with regulatory adherence. Artwork Flow acted as a depository for data and guidelines related to packaging.

3. Tracking changes and feedback

After implementing a digital system, Savencia could now track changes at every step and have a bird’s eye view on the movement of the artwork. The feedback and suggestions could be simply added, accepted, or rejected by the designers.

This made team members more accountable and helped get the process more succinct.

Artwork Flow has given Savencia end-to-end visibility into the label development process, a single source of truth with centrally managed assets, and tighter feedback loops.

How the Savencia team has been using Artwork Flow

Do you also want to transition to a smooth-running system that can help you systematize your management? Get a personalized demo of Artwork Flow today!

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The challenge:

About Artwork Flow

Artwork Flow has been the go-to solution for all things creative management for brands like LesserEvil, Jones Dairy, and Trinchero. Artwork Flow’s user-friendly interface and AI-led features including digital asset management, creative collaboration, online proofing, and project management can streamline the creative lifecycle for any organization. Let Artwork Flow take the complexity out of your creative projects and help your team deliver top-notch results with ease.

Transform your own creative operations with Artwork Flow today