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Creative Automation
June 23, 2023
January 22, 2024

Creative Scaling: What Does it Entail?

Rangan Das

Creative Scaling: What Does it Entail?

June 22, 2023
January 22, 2024
Rangan Das


Team work

Creatives help brands stand out. For ads on social media, it is one of the key differentiators. A brand with an effective creative production team which knows how to communicate with the audience can set the brand apart from the competition. Brands need to constantly develop and produce creative content across various media. It involves the conception, planning, and execution of creative ideas to create engaging and impactful content for various purposes, such as advertising, marketing, entertainment, or artistic expression. 

It requires teams to exchange ideas, work together, and build something consistent, cohesive, and concrete that communicates effortlessly and effectively with the audience. Creative production heavily relies on collaboration. The process typically includes several stages, including brainstorming, ideation, scripting, storyboarding, designing, and more, depending on the target industry. As the brand grows, the creative production efforts should also be scaled accordingly. 

Why is it so hard to scale creativity?

A significant portion of marketers (36.7%) struggle to consistently generate relevant variations of creative assets. This indicates that several challenges hinder the success of your agency's creative production.

Creativity is hindered by two key reasons: excessive time spent on administrative tasks instead of creative work and frequent interruptions. Research shows that content creators spend about 48% of their time simply reviewing the content

Managers also spend a significant portion of their time on administrative tasks. Additionally, workers are interrupted every few minutes, taking around 23 minutes to recover each time. This leaves little time for deep work. The COVID-19 pandemic has further complicated content creation, requiring professionals to adapt to remote work and overcome social distancing barriers. As a result, content creators face the pressure of producing more content while working in a digital environment that hampers creativity.

How does automation help?

With the recent surge of AI-enabled tools, brands are now trying to automate multiple tasks that make up the creative lifecycle. As a business scales up, teams often must put in more effort, and often this can negatively impact productivity. For creative teams, this effect can be worse as brainstorming and generating creative ideas require focus and flow. Through automation, businesses can enhance productivity, reduce manual labor, improve consistency, and increase the speed of content creation and distribution. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, creative professionals can focus more on strategic thinking, ideation, and the execution of high-value creative work.

#1. Streamline administrative tasks.

As mentioned earlier, creative team members often waste time with tasks such as file organization, scheduling, and reporting. By automating these tasks, content creators and managers can reclaim valuable time and focus on more creative and strategic activities.

#2. Optimize workflows.

Automation tools and platforms can help optimize creative production workflows by helping with the routing of tasks, approvals, and feedback processes. This reduces the dependency on other departments or external teams, allowing for smoother collaboration and faster turnaround times.

#3. Prioritizing tasks

AI-enabled automation solutions can intelligently prioritize tasks and help teams manage their time. By automating reminders, notifications, and task assignments, content creators can better allocate their time and efforts to creative work rather than getting bogged down by interruptions and menial requests.

#4. Assist in content development.

Automation can enhance content production efficiency by enabling easy use of templates, generating assets in batches, and implementing version control. Templates and predefined workflows can be used to streamline the creation of repetitive content formats, saving time, and ensuring consistency.

#5. Creative collaboration.

Such platforms support remote collaboration, cloud storage, and real-time communication and can enable content creators and teams to work seamlessly, irrespective of geographical constraints. Team members no longer need to be physically present and can have more flexible working hours. 

Introducing creative scaling 

The endless rounds of creative evaluations for social media formats and sizes, and customers to cater to often cost brands a lot of precious time. When teams spend time disproportionately on creating and analyzing creatives, there is little opportunity for strategic thinking. In addition, the delay in launching the campaign represents missed money. Now consider having this problem with every product and variety you offer. This is where we need creative scaling.

Creative scaling is the process of expanding and adapting creative content to reach a broader audience or extend its impact across multiple channels, platforms, or markets. It involves taking a core creative concept or asset and modifying, repurposing, or creating variations of it to maximize its reach and effectiveness. It involves strategically adapting the creative content to suit different formats, mediums, target demographics, or marketing objectives. 

Creative scaling helps teams with:

#1. Format Adaptation

Modifying the format or length of creative content to make it suitable for different platforms or media. For example, transforming a TV commercial into shorter video clips for social media platforms or adapting a print ad into a digital banner ad.

Snapchat ad formats
Ad formats available in SnapChat. Source: Ad Formats | Snapchat for Business

#2. Localization

Customizing creative content to resonate with specific cultures, languages, or regional preferences. This can involve translating text, adjusting visuals, or tailoring messaging to ensure it connects with local audiences.

#3. Channel Expansion

Extending the reach of a creative concept by leveraging additional marketing channels. For instance, taking a successful social media campaign and expanding it to include email marketing, influencer collaborations, or offline advertising.

#4. Personalization

Customizing creative content to deliver a personalized experience to different target segments or individuals. This can involve dynamically generating content variations based on user data, preferences, or behaviors.

#5. Campaign Extension

Building upon a successful creative concept or campaign by creating new iterations or related content. This allows for continuity and sustained engagement with the target audience.

Creative automation technologies are critical in supporting the creative scaling process. It facilitates the development, adaption, and distribution of content. It offers efficient content creation via task automation and templates, allowing teams to create a greater number of variants in less time.

Customization and personalization are made easier by leveraging data insights to generate personalized content that resonates with different audience segments. Creative automation ensures consistency and brand integrity across channels and facilitates multichannel distribution for broader reach. It also empowers data-driven optimization, enabling teams to refine content strategies and identify effective creative elements. Collaboration and workflow streamlining features enhance efficiency, while scalability and adaptability enable content to be tailored for different formats, sizes, and markets. 

What can creative teams do with scaling?

You can use creative scaling in multiple ways to maximize the impact and efficiency of your work. Here are seven ways in which adapting creative scaling processes can improve your creative operations.

#1. Standardize and systematize creative operations.

Establish standardized design templates, brand guidelines, and creative processes that can be easily scaled and adapted. Teams can easily maintain consistency and efficiency when creating variations or adaptations of creative content.

#2. Build modular designs and component-based systems.

Create modular design elements or component-based systems that can be easily rearranged, combined, or repurposed to generate new creative variations. You get a faster and more flexible process of creative production while maintaining brand coherence.

Product images
Modular design allows component reuse and easier reorganization. Source: Lucid Product pages - Robbin Cenijn

#3. Implement content versioning. 

Develop a strategy for creating multiple versions of creative assets tailored to different target segments, channels, or markets. You can adapt messaging, visuals, or formats to optimize resonance and effectiveness in each context.

#4. Automate personalization efforts. 

Leverage automation tools and data-driven insights to automate the customization and personalization of creative content at scale. This includes dynamically generating content variations based on user data, preferences, or behavior to enhance engagement and relevance.

#5. Simplify localization and internationalization.

With creative scaling, you can adapt creative content to resonate with specific cultures, languages, or regional preferences. Consider translating text, adjusting visuals, or tailoring messaging to ensure content connects effectively with local audiences during scaling efforts.

#6. Leverage collaboration and workflow optimization.

Utilize collaborative tools and automated workflows to facilitate efficient coordination and communication within the creative team and with other stakeholders involved in scaling efforts. This enables seamless collaboration and streamlines the review process for assets generated through creative scaling. 

#7. Scale asset management.

Implement a scalable asset management system or digital asset management (DAM) platform to organize, categorize, and retrieve creative assets efficiently. Solutions like DAMs allow easy access and retrieval of assets generated through creative scaling.


Adopting creative scaling allows businesses to maximize the reach, efficiency, and impact of their creative content, resulting in increased brand visibility, audience engagement, and overall campaign success. AI-enabled creative automation tools enable businesses to scale their creative content more efficiently by automating repetitive tasks, facilitating customization and personalization, ensuring brand consistency, optimizing content distribution, leveraging data-driven insights, and streamlining collaboration. Elevate your creative process with brand compliance tools, ensuring that your scaled content not only reaches a wider audience but also maintains the integrity of your brand, creating a lasting and positive impact. To know more about creative scaling, book a quick demo with our experts or get started with a free trial today!

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