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May 31, 2021
May 8, 2023

The Evolution of Artwork Management Systems & Where Are You

Contributing Author

The Evolution of Artwork Management Systems & Where Are You

May 31, 2021
May 8, 2023
Contributing Author


Picture this:

It’s a bright sunny day in winters, and you’re admiring the view from your office. Sipping tea and having nostalgia about that one time you...

*Phone vibrates*

*Computer gets a notification*

You receive an e-mail that says that your manager wants to see the SAME design you made, 6 months back.

*Audible sigh*

“Not this again!”

You roll up your sleeves and reluctantly begin searching. Was it saved by name? Maybe it was saved by date or by a different version. You got frustrated a few times so maybe you saved it with an expletive (we’ve all been there).

The (seemingly) long minutes of searching cause your tea to get cold. You also realize that you can’t recall the file location in your system (maybe you deleted it). You can’t find it in your inbox because you and the client exchanged so many emails. And now you only have one wish: if only there was a system to prevent this.

Well, there is! And it’s called Artwork Management.

The Evolution of Artwork Management Systems & Where Are You

evolution of artwork management systems

It’s a bright sunny day in winters, and you’re admiring the view from your office. Sipping tea and having nostalgia about that one time you...

*Phone vibrates*

*Computer gets a notification*

You receive an e-mail that says that your manager wants to see the SAME design you made, 6 months back.

*Audible sigh*

“Let me get this over with quickly!”

You roll your sleeves, make some clicks, and bingo! The exact design is found and shared with the manager without any hassle or headache on your part. Simple. Easy. Efficient.

You lean back in your chair, sip your tea and later start working peacefully. Artwork Flow has saved the day.

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