The Brand Team’s Complete Guide to Generative AI

With the rise of social media and the proliferation of digital platforms, consumers are exposed to a vast amount of content every day. 

Therefore, it’s difficult for companies to keep up with the demand for unique, high-quality content that resonates with them.

Hiring resources potentially solves the problem, but it also opens another can of worms — every employee has a different skill set and work style. So, getting everyone on the same page is tougher than you think, especially if you’re working in a fast-paced, challenging environment. 

This is where generative AI comes in. Generative AI is a new technology that uses machine learning algorithms to create content like images, text, videos, etc., that you can use to promote your brand and grow it. 

Right now, there are plenty of generative AI tools to help you with everything from spinning creative content to creating music and making realistic promo videos.

So, in this guide, we’ll look at how creative teams can use these tools to meet their content marketing demands and the different generative AI platforms available. Here’s what’s covered:

    Why generative AI is the future of brand building

    Generative AI has created new content-creation opportunities in organizations. For starters, it uses methods like sampling to generate probabilistic decisions about the next word or phrase rather than simply copying the content in its data set. So, it can produce unique and varied content. 

    Also, it’s possible to fine-tune a generative AI network with specific datasets to create personalized content for your users. For instance, you can feed datasets of customer feedback, live chat logs, help desk tickets, and surveys to understand what customers like about your product and generate landing page content for them. 

    In essence, generative AI tools help organizations save time and effort when it comes to creating content on demand. But does this mean they will replace human talent in the creative field? 

    We posed this question to ChatGPT, and this is what it had to say:

    “While generative AI has the potential to automate certain aspects of content creation, such as generating text, images, and audio, it is unlikely that it will completely replace humans when it comes to content ideation and creation. 

    AI can generate ideas and make suggestions, but it lacks the human creativity and emotional intelligence required to fully understand the audience, the intent behind the content, and the overall communication strategy. 

    Additionally, ethical and legal considerations, such as bias and transparency, are important aspects that AI may not fully grasp. AI can assist humans in content creation, but it is not yet advanced enough to replace them.”

    In other words, generative AI tools will augment our creativity and help us create content faster instead of replacing us. 

    Case in point: Grammarly. Although Grammarly is not a generative AI tool, it catches grammatical errors and typos and uses AI models to generate writing suggestions based on the tone and voice an organization wants to convey. But it doesn’t replace the editors in an organization. 

    That being said, let’s look at a few tools and how creative teams can use them. 

    5 generative AI tools creative teams can start using right away

    Below, we’ve listed 5 tools that creative teams can use to generate or edit images or videos. 

    1. DeepDream

    Google engineer Alexander Mordvintsev created DeepDream. The tool uses algorithmic pareidolia to enhance the patterns in images, which helps you create over-processed images with a hallucinogenic appearance.

    Hallucinogenic AI-generated image
    Image source: Wikipedia

    You can also use the tool to generate images using a text prompt and transfer an artist’s style onto an existing image. This helps you create variations of images that are different in style or act as an inspiration for your next illustration or image. 

    Overall, the tool will work great for you if you frequently have to create fantasy-like, surreal illustrations.

    2. DALL-E2

    DALL-E2 uses a powerful language model to generate images from natural language text. Using the tool is pretty simple. You input a text prompt that describes what you want the image to look like, and DALL E-2 will generate an image semantically consistent with the text. 

    You can use it to generate concepts and ideas for visual campaigns or use it to generate images for social media posts and blogs. For more detailed and hyper-specific images, you can also input the name of your favorite artist and add different art styles like cyberpunk, impressionist, vaporwave etc.

    3. Synthesys

    With Synthesys, you can create videos without using cameras or film crews, as it offers a vast selection of 74 realistic “Humatars” and a voice bank of 254 unique styles with lip-syncing AI technology.  

    All you’ve got to do to generate high-quality video is to choose an avatar and input your script in one of the 66+ available languages. Once the video is generated, you can also edit it before downloading it. 

    4. Pictory

    If you’re looking for a tool that converts your long-form content into high-quality videos complete with stock footage, voiceovers, and music in minutes, Pictory is your answer. 

    Its advanced AI capabilities enable it to automatically extract all the important points in your content and convert them into shareable social media or sales videos. 

    The tool also automatically adds captions to your videos, so people who watch videos on mute don’t skip yours. 

    5. Midjourney

    Midjourney is similar to DeepDream, DALL-E2, and other AI tools. It can generate anything from illustrations to social media posts and ads for your next campaign. However, to use the tool, you must sign up for Discord and enter the prompts in the relevant channel. 

    You only get 25 free prompts, and finding your images in the channel might be difficult and confusing. But the tool does a great job of generating comprehensive illustrations in different art styles compared to similar tools. 

    So, if you need to create illustrations or storyboards frequently, check out this tool.

    3 ways creative teams can use AI tools in their day-to-day operations

    Here are some ways in which creative teams can use generative AI to streamline their daily operations. 

    1. Content ideation 

    Generative AI tools can analyze all your previous posts and campaigns and come up with preliminary ideas for images, videos, and text that a target audience is most likely to engage with. This provides your team with a starting point and helps them collaborate more efficiently to come up with new ideas. 

    Alternatively, you can also feed generative AI tools with ideas and have them predict how well the ideas might perform with a target audience based on data from previous campaigns. 

    And don’t worry if you don’t have any data to start with. You can simply ask tools like ChatGPT for a few image suggestions to start brainstorming ideas. Here’s an example:

    Image source: ChatGPT

    You can also go a step further and feed these image suggestions into tools like DALL-E to kickstart your creative thought process. We fed the second suggestion into the tool, and these are the results it came up with. 

    Image source: DALL-E2

    2. Design optimization

    Generative AI tools automate the creation of design layouts, suggest possible color schemes, identify which colors work well together, and which colors are most suited for a particular audience. They can also generate new color schemes like gradients and palettes. 

    In addition to this, they can generate different variations of a design, choose appropriate typography like font size, font family, and line spacing. Here are different poster layouts that DALL-E2 generated for a fictitious skincare brand launching a new product line. 

    Image source: DALL-E2

    3. Image and video editing 

    You can use generative models to add or remove certain elements from an existing image or video or improve the quality of images using techniques like super-resolution and denoising.  

    It’s also possible to fill the corrupted or missing parts of an image and complete it using a technique called inpainting and colorizing black and white videos or images to make them look more vivid and realistic instead of spending countless hours in front of an editing software. 

    For example, DALL E-2 adds a flamingo and its reflection to the image on the left at the selected spot. 

    Image source: DALL-E2

    Wrapping up

    Generative AI is a new technology that uses datasets to come up with content like images, text, and video for your social media posts, articles, and more. It’s a boon for organizations with creative teams as it helps save time and effort by assisting them with content ideation, design optimization, and editing. 

    That doesn’t mean that AI tools will completely replace humans in the creative field. 

    AI can generate ideas and make suggestions, but it lacks the human creativity and emotional intelligence required to understand the audience, intent, and overall strategy fully. 

    So, these tools will augment human creativity and help create content faster instead of replacing talent. 

    About Artwork Flow

    Artwork Flow is an end-to-end project management tool that manages your workflow and simplifies creative collaboration and asset management. 

    It helps you create templates, workflows, and checklists to collaborate with team members and go to market on time. 

    For more information on how Artwork Flow can help, check out the case studies, or contact us immediately for a free demo or trial.

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