Review and approve creative work from one convenient location

Get creative teams on the same page and make work easier with seamless feedback loops and 100% transparent review cycles.

  • Proofing tools minimize human errors.
  • Rich toolkit cut revision time in half.
  • Version control tracks all versions in one place.

Why should I switch to online proofing software?

Intuitive proofing tools for quick reviews

Efficiency just got a 75% boost.

  • Proof ANY asset (we support 160+ file formats).
  • Compare PDF versions with side-by-side, difference, and flicker modes with PDF proofing software.
  • Ensure your brand colors and fonts are poppin' with compliance score.
  • Perform spell checks, size up dimensions, and identify more details within an asset.
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Simplify asset feedback and approvals

Watch your approval rate soar 70% faster!

  • See comments from other reviewers, and tag others to kickstart conversations.
  • Get notified when you’re tagged on a comment (no FOMO here).
  • Keep feedback organized and transparent for clarity and fewer revisions.
  • Check the entire history of a file with version control.
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Feature-rich toolkit for asset proofing

Cut your time to market by 60%.

  • Real-time annotations, comments, and threads for epic collaboration.
  • Use the FreeHand tool to sketch objects, connect elements, or add text.
  • Try the Shapes tool to draw boxes, circles, and lines to show exactly where and what changes are needed.
  • Add attachments to the asset in feedback comments.
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Keep calm and proof assets faster

Task management just got 400% stronger.

  • Project screen shows approved assets and those needing a little TLC.
  • Streamline asset proofing with approval templates and checklists.
  • Use intuitive dashboards for a bird’s eye view of pending tasks and more.
  • Gentle nudges in the form of notifications for those who need a little reminder.
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Fast-growing brands trust us

Online proofing software for your entire team

Now meet deadlines without the usual panic.

Collaborate with context.

Collaborate across teams with annotations and online proofing tools. Proof PDF, annotate videos, and ensure compliance without relying on other proofing software.

Share files with ease.

Share assets for online proofing and reviews in a single click with anyone. Control who sees what with user-level permissions to keep work secure.

Keep assets organized.

Store all asset versions and more in an AI-driven asset library. Track comments, access versions, and more from a single point of contact and make work easier.

Is Artwork Flow’s online proofing software right for your team?

Creative teams handle lots of assets like images, videos, and PDFs. But sometimes, it's a real pain to get things approved and feedback can be confusing.

Artwork Flow fixes all that:

  • Approval workflows: Set up who needs to approve what.
  • Real-time task management: Keep track of tasks as they happen.
  • Streamlined feedback: Leave comments right on images, documents, and videos.
  • No errors: Online proofing tools make sure nothing gets missed.

Artwork Flow saves time and makes graphic designers, video agencies, brand managers, and creative teams super efficient.

Why Artwork Flow



More efficiency



Staff hours saved



Faster speed to market




Saved annually
Ease of Use
Customer Experience
Ease of Setup
Ease of Use
Quality of Support

Features that make proofing fun!

Version control


Approval workflows

Approval templates

FDA smart proofing

PDF compare

measurement scale

Color extractor


Integrate with tools you love using every day 

From Slack to Teams, Illustrator, and much more — Artwork Flow integrates with tools that make work easier.

Explore integrations

Comparing workflow efficiency: 

Asset proofing software vs. the chaos without

Without asset proofing

  • Multiple rounds of feedback across various channels, lacking clarity and leading to increased revisions.
  • Complex and tangled approval processes causing confusion.
  • Delayed creative project delivery due to lack of accountability.
  • Increased asset revisions and assets prone to errors causing frustration and burnout.
  • Proofing packaging labels is complex and tedious without a set system.
  • Diluted brand image and compliance risks due to branding inconsistencies and manual checks.

With asset proofing

  • Streamlined feedback loops with precise comments for smooth cross-team collaboration.
  • Simplified and transparent approval workflows with detailed checklists.
  • Project dashboards and notifications  keeping everyone in the loop.
  • Online proofing tools ensure errors are caught and resolved promptly.
  • Proofing food packaging labels, cosmetics labels, etc. is smoother with detailed checklists and proofing tools.
  • Strong branding and compliance, thanks to brand compliance scores and automated compliance checklists.

Don’t let asset proofing
slow you down!

Try Artwork Flow’s online proofing software 
for a simplified solution.